Sunday, July 26, 2015

When You're Trying to Do Good

I read this blog article last night about infertility and it really touched me. I have never experienced infertility, and it was good to learn a little more about what people with infertility go through, but the real take away for me was in a quote shared by Sheri Dew. She said, 

“If you're serious about sanctification, you can expect to experience heart-wrenching moments that try your faith, your endurance, and your patience.”

Wow wow wow... YES! I have absolutely felt these "heart-wrenching moments" as I have tried to sanctify my heart to the Lord. Sometimes it feels like I am taking one step forward, and three steps back, but it's worth it. I know that if I put my trust in the Lord I can be happy and hope, regardless. 

(This is not a recent picture, but I just found it, and it's awesome)

Last week was a whirlwind.

Monday was pretty much the worst day of my life I've had in a Long time. I was extremely depressed, which is unusual for me. Tuesday was more of the same until I 
put my baby down for a nap in the afternoon and then kneeled in front of my couch to pray. The spirit helped me to realize that for two days now (Monday and Tuesday) I had been trying to start waking up at 6 am, before my baby wakes us, to study the scriptures and spend time with the Lord. I realized that when you want to make a positive change in your life you will have opposition; and usually the intensity of the opposition will be as bad as the change is good. I guess that means studying the scriptures is REALLY good.

After my scripture study on Tuesday I felt great! On Wednesday I was on top of the world. (Yeah, my scripture study was THAT awesome). Then on Thursday I had some digestion trouble which triggered a Crohn's flare up, so for two whole days I was as sick as sick can be, and now I am finally feeling back to normal. Because of being so sick I haven't read my scriptures at all for several days. It's time to get back up at 6 am tomorrow. 

Oh, and PS you know how my last post was about wanting to have Family Home Evenings now and I gave you my lesson plan for last Monday? It totally didn't happen because I was so depressed. Perhaps that's another reason my emotions were attacked so viciously.

Moral of the story: Be good. Prayer works. Try to have joy in the journey. Trust in God. Don't be afraid to sanctify yourself to the Lord because you're scared of the opposition. If we want to be like our Father some day we're going to need all the opposition we can get.

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