Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Life With Baby Gets Better


Hey everyone! My baby is 2 months old now, yay!! I wrote a post on diaper changes and breastfeeding, and tips to help you and the baby.

I am here to tell you that everything gets better! Disclaimer, this is just my experience. I know every baby is different. Here's how it got better for me:

Baby Gets Better
1. She no longer cries during diaper changes. She actually loves it, and smiles and giggles almost every time!
2. She no longer pees during diaper changes! Yessssss!
3. Baby gets better at breast feeding, so she latches on better without as much help from you!
4. Baby starts sleeping through the night (5-8 hours a night)! For me it came between 5-6 weeks. Glorious sleep is found again!
5. This is just a perk, but baby starts smiling more, and if you're lucky giggling! I love those baby smiles!

Mom Gets Better
1. Your nipples stop hurting like heck! It took me a good 6 weeks, but it finally happened! A friend of mine said it only took her nipples 2 weeks to adjust (jerk), so who knows, maybe you can be that lucky too!
2. You get better at breastfeeding, so instead of needing 90 pillows to prop everything up, you become a pro at using only one, or even none!
3. Because you're a pro at breastfeeding you only have to use one arm, or be completely hands free if baby is propped up well enough! Occasionally she eats and I eat at the same time.
4. You get more used to having baby around and the routine of caring for her, so you can actually start getting stuff done. Like taking regular showers, and taking the garbage out, and making meals every now and then :)

If you're a new mom and you're worried because you're sleep deprived, your boobs hurt, and you can't seem to get anything done- stop worrying. You just need to get through this adjustment period of about a month and a half and it all gets better!!!

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