Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Finding Meaning in Motherhood #1

A Spiritual Baby

It's crazy that Snuggle has only been with us for 5 months. I've learned a lot in 5 months, like how to change a diaper like a pro, how to breastfeed and use both hands to eat a pizza At The Same Time, that when I turn music on while my baby is screaming it will calm her down immediately, and that onesie dresses are the best baby dresses ever invented!

More than the practical things, though, are the glimpses I get into eternity from living every day life as a parent. I have gotten to know who God is much better, because He is our literal spiritual parent.

I'll start from the beginning.

When Snuggle Baby was a newborn she didn't know us yet, even though she was completely reliant on us for everything. We were with her constantly. I fed her, we changed her diaper, we bathed her, held her, sung to her, and took her to the doctor. Even though she got all of this attention she still didn't know us. All I could hope was that she felt loved and confident that her needs would be taken care of, and that some day she would recognize us and love us.

In our spiritual lives we all start out as babies, as utterly helpless and dependent as my precious daughter. God is there with us: feeding us, holding us, and protecting us from things that are completely beyond our comprehension. He knows that we don't know Him yet, but hopes that in time we will start to recognize His face and voice too (or, more appropriately, His spirit).

Our baby girl is 5 months old and she is a completely different baby now! She's gained a ton of weight, she smiles and giggles now, and is even scooting herself around on the floor. When we come to get her out of the crib in the morning she gives us a huge smile because, yes, she finally recognizes us and is happy to see us!

God wants us to grow spiritually. He wants us to trust Him and not stagnate (how horrible would that be for your baby to stop growing physically!! eek!)

This is only the beginning though. My baby is still a baby. She's learning and growing so much, but it is going to take years for her to grown into a toddler, then a child, then an adolescent, then a teenager, then a young adult, then an adult, then a middle aged adult, and then an elderly adult. At each stage we learn new things and get wiser.

If you are just a baby, spiritually speaking, there's nothing wrong with that. Allow God to take care of you and teach you. He will!

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