Wednesday, April 16, 2014

I feel like blogging is "that thing that everyone does," once you get married or have a baby, or of course if you're just awesome and have cool stuff to say. I'm not sure I'll be in the latter category, and I don't want to be cliche or anything, but I decided long ago that if I want to do or like something even if it's popular, I can, because I want to, not just because it's "the thing" to do. I used to refuse to like anything that was popular, like I was too cool for it. It was probably just an unconscious manifestation of my family's inability to pour money into the latest fads. (Okay, probably too many commas, run on sentences, and off topic thoughts, but who's counting?) 

Man I wish I was as funny as Ree Drummond.

Anyways, here's why I'm starting this blog:

1. I am a new mom (of 3 weeks, yay hooray!) and I want to use my time productively, instead of sitting on the couch watching DWTS all day.
2. This one's serious. I have a problem. I do not often articulate myself well verbally. My husband, Joe, is excellent at this, and I often find myself stuttering or trying to come up with the right words to express my thoughts and feelings, but frequently fall short. This frustrates me, so I figure writing my thoughts will give me time to think and express myself the way I want. I hope this will be a cathartic experience, as many other bloggers attest.
3. As I was listening to General Conference this past week, a few talks touched my heart and inspired me to write my feelings, which I plan to do here.
4. Am I really writing a boring list of why I’m going to start blogging? Sigh… we’re off to a pretty exciting start!

So yeah, basically I want to write about anything and everything that interests me: religious, non-religious, practical baby stuff, and just me. Stay tuned.

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