Friday, June 27, 2014

Surviving a Sick Baby


Step 1: Don't let your baby get sick

Step 2: Pretend like your baby isn't sick on the first day

Step 3: Get angry that your baby is sick

Step 4: Ask God "Please, if you help my baby to get better I swear I'll read my scriptures more!"

Step 5: Spend the next day watching Netflix and eating chocolate while you worry that your happy baby is never coming back.

Step 6: Accept that your baby is sick and this is just a part of life that we have to deal with now.

Hehe. Okay, maybe I'm being overly dramatic here, but this week has been HARD! I haven't slept much and the sleep I do get on the couch puts a terrible crick in my neck and back that hurts so bad.

I'm okay I'm okay I'm okay. *sigh*


Here's what really got me through this week:

Call the Midwife (on Netflix)
OH MAN. This show is so great, but watching it while my baby has been sick has made me so much more grateful for her in my life and the circumstances in which she came into this world. I have had more compassion on her while watching it. I'm done with the first season and I'm contemplating waiting until she's sick again to watch the second (but of course I'm not going to).

Thinking/Reading about my friends struggles

I have friends who can't have babies, who struggle with getting pregnant, who have lost babies, and whose babies are born very premature.

When I think what they have gone through and what I'm going through now (losing a little sleep to take care of my otherwise perfect little girl), my heart is only filled with gratitude and love for what I have. It helps me to be more patient and kind.

Thinking about my baby

This is her first time being sick and while it's not fun for me, it's certainly not fun for her either. It helps me to remember that the only way she can communicate when she is sick or in pain or uncomfortable is to cry. I shouldn't take it personally. She is not crying AT me, she is crying because of her circumstances. If I were in her shoes how would I want to be taken care of? Getting angry solves absolutely nothing. Being kind and compassionate helps your mental health and your baby's.

That's it for now. I need to take a shower.


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