Monday, June 30, 2014

Annual Meal Planning

That's right, I said ANNUAL.

If you're anything like me you have a hard time meal planning. Coming up with meals that sound good to eat each week can be so frustrating! Plus, my husband and I are somewhat picky, in that we dislike eating the same meals frequently even if we really like them. This got me thinking a couple weeks ago, and thus the annual meal plan was born!

I started by making a list of all the meals we enjoy eating. I looked at my Pinterest boards to see what meals we tried and liked (I ended up creating a new board for "Tried and True Meals" which saves me from scrolling as much!) (I also have a "Tried and True Sides and Snacks" board, and "Tried and True Sweets" FYI). I also looked through family recipe books and other random places to recall meals we don't eat frequently. but like nonetheless.  

I stuck the recipes all into this spread sheet and then decided how often we would realistically like to eat them. Once a month would be 12, Every other month is 6, and so on... 

Meal IdeasHow Many Times Per Year
Thai Peanut Curry Stir Fry6
Breaded Chicken Alfredo Sauce Pasta 12
Homemade Pizza 12
Dry BBQ Rub Chicken & Veggies3
Easy Enchilada Noodle Bake4
Tuna Casserole4
Breakfast For Dinner12
Ridiculous Salad34
Crunch Wraps 6
Mexi Chicken Tacos (P)4
Chicken Cordon Bleu3
Easy Sesame Chicken (P)4
Sweet & Sour Meatballs & Rice4
Homemade Cafe Rio2
Homemade Burgers4
Red Curry4
Indian Butter Chicken4
Chagraple Sandwich6
PW Meatball Marinara Sliders2
Corned Beef & Cabbage1
Million $ Spaghetti2
Loaded Baked Potatoes3
Sloppy Joes1
Braided Stromboli2
Mom's BBQ Meatballs1
Mom's Tomato Pork Chops1
Garbanzo Bean Pasta4
Spicy Cauliflour Stir Fry (PW)2
Bruchetta w/ Leeks, Goat Cheese & Bacon (PW)1
Chicken Pot Pie2
Broccoli Wild Rice Casserole2
Chicken Pad Thai (P)3
Taco Salad2
Red Curry Lentils (P)1
Baked Teryaki Chicken2
Barley Leek Soup2
Zupa's Garden Chowder2
Garlic Bean Soup2
Chicken Noodle Soup2
White Chicken Chili2
Lentil Soup2
Chicken Tortilla Soup w/Fritos2
Pasta e Fagioli2
Lamb Veggie Soup2
Total Meals Planned208
Goal for 4 days/week208

The only meal I have planned for more than once a month is salad, because it's good for you... I mean me... I mean us.

The recipes in red are ones that I've never tried before or that I want to tweak. The ones in blue are soups/stews. I really love soup, but my husband doesn't so much. I wanted them all lumped together in the master list so that when I plugged them into the calendar I wouldn't have more than 2 soups planned for one month. The recipes with a (P) next to it means it's from Pinterest, and the (PW) means it's from

Which brings me to the next step: Plugging all the meals in a calender. I did this in the same spreadsheet, just to the right of the master list.  Since every month has a different amount of days in it I went through a calender to see exactly how many meals I would need. For example July has 31 days, so for 4 meals per week (M-Th) I would need to plan 19 meals. But in August, using the same method, I only need to plan 16 meals. 

I started by putting in the meals we wanted to eat every month- that's easy. Then I spaced the others out evenly (or as evenly as I could) according to how many times we would eat them in a year. I was also season-conscious. I put heartier meals in the winter months and more salads in the summer.

I planned for 4 meals a week. I originally wanted to do 5, but once I started this process I realized it was unrealistic. What do we do the other 3 days/week? Eat leftovers, easy meals such as quesadillas or mac & cheese, go out to eat, or eat at a friend's house. 

Here's what mine looks like:

July (19)Aug (16)
Breaded Chicken Alfredo Sauce Pasta Breaded Chicken Alfredo Sauce Pasta
Homemade Pizza Homemade Pizza
Breakfast For DinnerBreakfast For Dinner
Ridiculous SaladRidiculous Salad
Ridiculous SaladRidiculous Salad
Ridiculous SaladRidiculous Salad
Ridiculous SaladRidiculous Salad
Thai Peanut Curry Stir FryCrunch Wraps
Chagraple SandwichEasy Enchilada Noodle Bake
Tuna CasseroleSweet & Sour Meatballs & Rice
Mexi Chicken Tacos (P)Bruchetta w/ Leeks, Goat Cheese & Bacon (PW)
Homemade BurgersGarbanzo Bean Pasta
Loaded Baked PotatoesBraided Stromboli
Taco SaladLentil Soup
Chicken Tortilla Soup w/Fritos
Red Curry
Spicy Cauliflour Stir Fry (PW)
Dried FruitMango Sticky Rice
Fruit Leather

At the bottom of every month I put a treat or dessert I want to make so that I can plan for special ingredients and we won't have the same boring chocolate chip cookies all the time (okay, okay chocolate chip cookies are delicious and never boring). 

Meal planning is not non-existent because I did this, it just takes all the stress out of it! Every week I pick 4 meals I want to make from that month's list and then all I have to do is figure out which ingredients I need!

I love the flexibility of the whole plan. I am so grateful I did this, because now meal planning is easy peasy! I also love it because it helps me figure out what I need for food storage. I can stock up on items we eat frequently when they come on sale, because I know what we're eating!

The whole things is just lovely to me. If you're anything like me I highly recommend trying it, although be aware that I took me about 6 hours to bust it all out. I think it's worth it though. 6 hours once versus agonizing hours every week is just fine with me.


Friday, June 27, 2014

Surviving a Sick Baby


Step 1: Don't let your baby get sick

Step 2: Pretend like your baby isn't sick on the first day

Step 3: Get angry that your baby is sick

Step 4: Ask God "Please, if you help my baby to get better I swear I'll read my scriptures more!"

Step 5: Spend the next day watching Netflix and eating chocolate while you worry that your happy baby is never coming back.

Step 6: Accept that your baby is sick and this is just a part of life that we have to deal with now.

Hehe. Okay, maybe I'm being overly dramatic here, but this week has been HARD! I haven't slept much and the sleep I do get on the couch puts a terrible crick in my neck and back that hurts so bad.

I'm okay I'm okay I'm okay. *sigh*


Here's what really got me through this week:

Call the Midwife (on Netflix)
OH MAN. This show is so great, but watching it while my baby has been sick has made me so much more grateful for her in my life and the circumstances in which she came into this world. I have had more compassion on her while watching it. I'm done with the first season and I'm contemplating waiting until she's sick again to watch the second (but of course I'm not going to).

Thinking/Reading about my friends struggles

I have friends who can't have babies, who struggle with getting pregnant, who have lost babies, and whose babies are born very premature.

When I think what they have gone through and what I'm going through now (losing a little sleep to take care of my otherwise perfect little girl), my heart is only filled with gratitude and love for what I have. It helps me to be more patient and kind.

Thinking about my baby

This is her first time being sick and while it's not fun for me, it's certainly not fun for her either. It helps me to remember that the only way she can communicate when she is sick or in pain or uncomfortable is to cry. I shouldn't take it personally. She is not crying AT me, she is crying because of her circumstances. If I were in her shoes how would I want to be taken care of? Getting angry solves absolutely nothing. Being kind and compassionate helps your mental health and your baby's.

That's it for now. I need to take a shower.


Thursday, June 12, 2014

Best Baby Shower Gifts

Here we go! I've been thinking about this post for a while. Since I had my baby baby I've been able to appreciate some baby products better than others, and I thought I would share my vast 2 1/2 months of knowledge with you. If you are looking for a great baby shower gift or if you are a new mom and want to know the best baby products to get, look no further! (okay, I guess you can look on Pinterest too, this is by no means an all-inclusive list)

Baby Clothes

#1 Rule: BE SEASON CONSCIOUS!! Those little babies are going to grow out of their clothes within a couple months, so if you get a super fuzzy, adorable sleeper for a baby born in the summer that baby won't even wear it. And that's a shame. (As a side note: even though they grow out of clothes so fast, you gotta clothe your child, so clothes really are appreciated. ESPECIALLY if you get a range of sizes!)

That being said, Pants with Feet are one of my favorite pieces of clothing! No need to mess with finicky socks? I'm there! I wish I had them in every size.


Newborn onesies with hand covers are awesome.


For baby girls: Onesie dresses are bom diggidy! They're not just cute, they're super practical too!


I actually made this onesie dress (below) for my baby girl's blessing dress. I got a super pretty onesie from Target and then just sewed on a skirt! The bow is actually a headband that I felt was a little too big for her head, but PERFECT for the accent on the dress!

Here's how I did it:
1. Get 1/4 Yard of fabric for the skirt
2. Sew the hem of the skirt first (I did it by folding the fabric over twice)
3. Baste Stitch the skirt on the other long end and pull the strings so you get a nice gather.
3. Sew the short ends together so you have a tube (the skirt)
4. Pin that sucker down to the onesie and sew it on.
5. Enjoy your marvelous creation!


Not for the faint of heart: onesie extenders. Okay, perhaps I'm being over dramatic.
I haven't gotten any, but I wish I had some. The only problem is that all onesies are not created equal. Some have two snaps and some have three. Some three snapped onesies are spaced differently than others...
In my experience onesies stop fitting because they get too short. They fabric can always stretch out but not down. It would sure be nice to get some extra life out of onesies, so if you want to do some research and extenders for a friend, I'm sure they would appreciate it.


Kits and Other Fun DIY gifts

Diaper Kit

I don't know about other moms, but I like to try EVERY brand. I want to figure out what I like best. (And honestly right now the Target Brand, Up & Up, is winning) If you got a bunch of different brands of diapers and made a little kit out of it, that would be an awesome gift! AND you wouldn't even have to take them out of the packaging, in fact I would recommend getting the smallest packages (10-20 diapers) and Not taking them out of the packaging.

Here are some brands to choose from:
Up & Up (Target)
Parent's Choice (Walmart)
Costco brand (although you'd have to get a big pack)
There are a bunch of "natural" diapers, it would be fun to try them out
And if would be pretty awesome to get a cloth diaper for a mom interested, but not sure if she wants to do it.


Diaper Ointment Kit

This is the same idea. I want to try every diaper ointment out there!!
I think these are the most popular. There are Lots more, though.

Maximum Strength Desitin (it's gotta be Max)
Triple Paste
Burts Bees
Bordeaux's Butt Paste
Calmoseptine (this is what the Pediatrician gave me samples of)
Clotrimazole Anti-Fungal Cream (for yeast rashes- this has saved me!)


Burp Cloths

 I forgot about them when I was pregnant, and I am so grateful for the ladies who gave them to me as gifts! I use them ALL THE TIME. You could hand make them, or I know lots of moms just like using cloth diapers as burp cloths. The ones I got that I like the best have a flannel side and a terry cloth side (like a dish towel)! Super absorbent.

                                                                             These are the cloth diapers
                                                                             Terry Cloth Burp Cloths

Custom Onesies (Yes I made these)

If you really want to get crafty and personal you could make some super cute custom onesies! I did it with "Wonder Under Transfer Web." I got mine at Walmart for super uber cheep. You know how something is easy, but when you try to explain it, it sounds really complicated? I feel like that's how this is. Here's an okay tutorial, but its seriously easier than it looks. There are clear instructions when you purchase the Wonder Under.

If your friends have something quirky and unique about them, this is a really fun idea! (Thus the skull and crossbones on a onesie)


Baby Food Books
I want to get some books on how to make baby food and, probably more importantly, teaches me when certain foods are okay to be introduced into baby's diet! Here are a few books that interest me. They all got really good reviews on Amazon.

Cooking for Baby: Wholesome, Homemade, Delicious Foods for 6 to 18 Months


The Baby and Toddler Cookbook: Fresh, Homemade Foods for a Healthy Start


                                                Super Baby Food


Baby Books
I got a few baby books at my showers, and I am so grateful! My favorite one to read to her is:

I have a very small collection, and I really don't know of many great kids books, so you'll have to do your homework, but this would be a great gift as well!

I hope this helps give you some great baby shower ideas. And if it didn't you could always get something off the registry! (chuckle chuckle... nobody gets stuff off the registry. WHY IS THAT?!)